Clive Hatch has been an active participant in South African Political system since he was eligible to vote in 1968. Although he has actively served the Party on the national structures he has been, based in Emalahleni (Witbank) in the geographic area that is currently known as the Province of Mpumalanga, the most successful campaign ever for the DA in the Witbank municipal council, he retired from active participation in elective politics but certainly not from commenting or writing about it.

Clive has been an active member of the DA and its predecessors for 45 years. His first involvement was during the 1968 General Election. He also contested municipal elections in Witbank on a regular basis since 1972. In the 1981 general election, he contested the Witbank constituency on behalf of the PFP. Clive was a DP list candidate in the first democratic elections in 1994.

On 31 July 1997, Clive became the first member of the DP to be elected to any municipal council in Mpumalanga when he won a municipal by-election in Ward 12 Witbank. On 02 June 1999, he was elected to the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature where he served as the Leader of the Official Opposition. The first five years he was the Party’s sole MPL and Clive earned a reputation for exposing ANC corruption, maladministration poor service delivery especially in the Department of Health.

Clive Hatch served as the interim Provincial Leader of the Democratic Alliance from its inception on 24 June 2000 until 20 July 2007. Prior to that, he was the Provincial Leader of the Democratic Party, a position he held since 1996.

He subsequently served as Chief Whip of the Opposition until his retirement from the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature in April 2009.

Clive Hatch has also served as Chairperson of the DA network of Members of the Provincial Legislatures and NCOP from 1997 to April 1999. In February 2008 he was elected as the Chairperson of the DA’s Federal Finance Committee and as such served as a member of the National Management Committee until he stood down at the Federal Congress in July 2010.

Currently Clive serves as a member of the Party’s National Mediation Committee a body established by the Party constitution to resolve internal disputes.

Prior to his election to the Provincial Legislature, Clive was the Company Treasurer of Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation Limited, one of the largest corporate companies in the province. He had 30 years service at the company where he held several senior positions in the Finance Division.

Clive is a Past President of the Witbank Chamber of Commerce and Industry; he is also a trustee of the Witbank Moth Retirement Village. He was previously the National President of Jaycee South Africa (1987 / 88). He was a member of the Association of Corporate Treasurers of South Africa for over fifteen years.

In order to substantiate his commitment to making a positive difference to the lives of people he recently established the Clive Hatch Scholarship Fund. This fund has been established to assist financially disadvantaged boys of all races from Mpumalanga who despite difficult and challenging circumstances have shown a will to succeed once given an opportunity. However, they would otherwise never have had the opportunity for a quality education now have the chance to attend Tsessebe House at Jeppe High School for Boys.

Clive Hatch holds a UNISA Centre for Business Management certificate in Senior Treasury Management. He also has two certificates in financial management from the South African Institute of Management.

Clive is the only child of the late Ivor and Fay Hatch. He is married to Lorraine. They live in Witbank where Lorraine served on the Emalahleni Municipal Council for ten years.

Born: 12 March 1950
Matric: Jeppe High Schools for Boys
Employers: Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation LimitedStarted in 1969 as an Administrative Trainee. Left in 1999 as Company Treasurer.Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature:1999 – 2007 – Leader of the Opposition2007 – 2009 – Chief Whip of the Opposition
Marital Status: Married to Lorraine – 20 July 1996
Residence: 23 Nita Street, Del Judor 4, Witbank (Emalahleni)
Tertiary Education:
1992 Diploma in Business Management – South African Institute of Management
1993 Specialist Diploma in Business Management (Financial) – South African Institute of Management.
1997 Programme in Treasury management – University of South Africa
Community Service:
1972 to 1991 Member of the Witbank Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
1986 to 1988 Member of the South Eastern Transvaal Football Association Board of Control (Amateur)
1991 to 2003 Chairman Coalfields District Club
1995 to date Member of the executive of the Witbank Chamber of Commerce and Industry
1998 to date2012 Trustee Witbank MOTH Retirement VillageFounder and patron of the Clive Hatch Education Scholarship
Leadership Positions:
1973 & 1986 Chapter President of the Witbank Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Jaycees)
1981 South Eastern Transvaal Regional President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Jaycees)
1987 National President of the South African Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Jaycees)
2000 to 2003 President of the Witbank Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
2015 Honorary Life Member of the Witbank Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
International Awards:
1980 Honorary Life Membership Jaycee International (Jaycee International Senator)
Political Involvement: – actively involved in the DA and predecessor parties since 1974
1972 Contested Witbank Municipal election (Independent Candidate)
1981 PFP Candidate for Witbank Constituency
1982 Contested Witbank Municipal Election
1988 Contested Witbank Municipal Election
1994 Contested first Democratic Election as No 3 on the DP Provincial list (E Tvl)

/1994 …

1994 Appointed DP Councillor on the Pre-Interim Transitional Council
1995 Contested Witbank Municipal Election as DP candidate for the Transitional Local Council
1996 Elected DP Provincial Leader for Mpumalanga
1997 Elected DP Councillor in Witbank By-election against NNP – 1st Elected DP Councillor in Mpumalanga
1999 Elected to the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature – Leader of the Opposition
2002 Elected DA Provincial Leader for Mpumalanga – unopposed
2004 Re-elected to the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature – Leader of the Opposition
2005 – 20072007 – 2009 Re-elected DA Provincial Leader for MpumalangaChief Whip of the Opposition in the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature
2007 – 20092008 – 20102010 – Chairperson on DA Network of Members of the Provincial Legislatures and NCOP.Chairperson of the Federal Finance CommitteeAppointed to National Mediation Committee
Served on the following Federal Structures of the DA:
Federal Finance Committee
Federal Executive
Federal CouncilNational Management CommitteeNational Mediation Committee (Current)


During Clive’s career he has attended the following International Congresses:

International Congresses attended:
1975 Junior Chamber International World Congress – Amsterdam
1977 Junior Chamber International World Congress – Johannesburg
1978 Junior Chamber International World Congress – Manilla (Philippines)
1981 Junior Chamber International World Congress – Osaka (Japan)
1987 Junior Chamber International World Congress – Amsterdam (Chief Delegate)
1987 Junior Chamber International Africa Congress – Mauritius (Chief Delegate)
1989 Junior Chamber International World Congress – Birmingham (U.K.)
1989 Junior Chamber International Africa Congress – Swaziland
2002 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Africa Congress – Uganda
2003 National Conference of State Legislatures – San Fransisco USA
2005 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association World Congress – Fiji


Clive Hatch

About Clive Hatch

Clive Hatch is a political commentator and opinionist. He is a former Member and Leader of the Opposition in the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature. After matriculating from Jeppe High School for Boys in 1967 Clive Hatch has lived, worked and been involved in the Emalahleni (Witbank) community.

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